Tuesday, August 12, 2014

G.O.T.G - Thoughts.

It's a win. Guardians of the Galaxy is amazing. It is pure silly movie fun times. Every person I have talked to about G.O.T.G seems to like to list what it is like in terms of mashing up other movies (for me I'd say: Futurama/Raiders/Firefly/5th Element - Yes Futurama!) But what I feel that shows is just how fresh and unique it is. It's not a "Oh do you like ______ Movies? then you'll like this." G.O.T.G is a movie of a type we don't see much of anymore. Hard to pin down and and totally it's "own thing" while giving nods to about every great movie/game/show/song/cartoon you love. Is it silly? yes. Is it sloppy? yes. Is it zany? yes. Is it a movie I know I'll watch over and over for years to come? Yes.
This was a true treat. I had my doubts. I shouldn't have had doubts. If you're one of the 3 people in the US that hasn't, go see this now.

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